since 1999
The story already began in 1997, when we started to experiment with digital audio recording. Hipersound recording studio was the first working digital studio operating in Slovenia, what enabled us to record multiple records and execute precision editing. Studio evolved into record company, that mad eits name with the release of hit albums Srebrna Krila & Novi Fosili.
Soon we realise, that to achieve artist online presence, Google ranking, brand visibility, the right strategy and technology is needed. The days of keywords manipulation are over, Google records every move we make, measures and validates everything from website security, its speed to content quality. Building online brand takes time, therefore we forge long-term relations with our artists.
What differentiates us from our competition is our knowledge and ability to implement online brand awareness strategies and tactics (i.e. OBA), that includes professional value-added content creation, SEO and implementation of advanced online technologies.
OD 1999
Zgodba založbe Hipersound se je začela leta 1999, kot nadaljevanje audio produkcijske dejavnosti. Založba je doživela razcvet z izdajo albuma Srebrna Krila in Novi Fosili z naslovom Za dobra stara vremena. Album je doživel večkratni ponatis in postavil mlado založbo na balkanski zemljevid. Sledile so številne nove izdaje Slovenskih, Hrvaških, Bosanskih ter Srbskih avtorjev. Pod okriljem založbe so izšle plošče avtorjev in glasbenih izvajalcev BPP, Victory, Dadi Daz, Remi, Make up 2, Vlado Kalember, Vladimir Kočiš Zec, Alen Islamović, Neki to vole vruče in mnogi drugi.
SE Europe record company, established in 1999, with over 100 published albums. Record company succeeded to sign the biggest ex Yugoslavija musician stars like Srebrna Krila, Novi Fosili, Vlado Kalember, Alen Islamović and similar.
A streaming pay-per-view solution, where digital tickets are sold, with access to digital theatre, where video theatre plays are being streamed. The concept is practical for plays, that are out of production, replaced by sequels and have been missed by the live audience.
Smartphone Ringtones sounds, perfect for unique ringtone and text sounds, recorded in Hipersound Records studio.
Online Guerrilla is a service provider, that deals with online strategy’s, tactics, content and brand awareness. Online Guerrilla team, offer unique expertise from the fields of online brand awareness, advanced website design, SEO and professional value added content creation (i.e. professional brand articles, photography, videography, audio production).
Established in 1997, the recording studio was the first working digital studio operating in Slovenia, what enabled us to record multiple records and execute precision editing, what was impossible to do at conventional analogue studios at the time.
Pioneers of digital production
A lot has changed since 1997. Hipersound recording studio was Slovenia’s first digital recording studio. We were pioneers in digital audio recording, embraced the technology development and evolve with it, expanding our product innovations and our creativity. Our first websites were written in HTML by hand, and our first SEO campaigns were more or less keyword play based on trial and error. Twenty plus years of practice gave us the perspective to recognise the right technology to maximise the output service quality. We are qualified and knowledgeable in the world’s most popular software and hardware creative systems.
Pionirji digitalne produkcije
Veliko se je spremenilo od leta 1997, ko smo odprli prvi digitalni studio v Sloveniji. Kot digitalni pionirji, smo se podali za željenim ciljem, ter postavili začetne standarde ter procese digitalne avdio produkcije. Za našimi vrati so snemala znana imena, ter se kalili novi talenti. Z glasbeniki kot so Vlado Kalember, Rajko Dujmić, Alen Islamović, Jimmy Stanić, ter mnogimi drugimi smo kovali popularno glasbeno sceno prihajajočega stoletja.
Že preko 20 let odpiramo vrata v svet glasbe, prej analogne, zdaj digitalne; Orjemo ledino na področju digitalne produkcije; Soustvarjamo hite, ustvarjamo zvezde, ter; Lansiramo nove blagovne znamke.
- WordFence ACTIVE
- Hipersound Records (part of Skupine Svetilnik d.o.o.)
- Cesta 24. Junija 25, 1231 Ljubljana, Slovenia
- ID: 6345379000, VAT: SI26028921, CAPITAL: 22.500,00€
- +386 1 5300 111
SE Europe record company, established in 1999.
Online Teater platform provides Pay-Per- View streaming for recorded theatre plays.
Unique Smartphone Ringtones recorded in Hipersound Records studio.
Slovenia’s first digital recording production, established in 1997.
Service provider, that deals with online strategy’s, tactics, content and brand awareness.
Brand focused photographic and video content, adjusted for online needs.